At InfantAidix, we are dedicated in providing paediatric first aid training and resources for parents, caregivers, and childcare professionals. Our goal is to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to confidently handle common medical emergencies that may occur with infants and young children.

We offer comprehensive courses that cover topics such as CPR, choking, allergic reactions and more. Our experienced instructors use hands-on training methods and interactive scenarios to ensure that you are prepared for any emergency situation.

In addition to our training programs, we also provide a range of first aid kits and supplies specifically designed for infants and children. These kits are essential for every home, school, and daycare facility, and can make all the difference in a critical situation.

At InfantAidix, we are dedicated to promoting the safety and well-being of children. Contact us today to schedule a training session or to learn more about our products and services. Together, we can help keep our little ones safe and sound


Paediatric First Aid Training

Our paediatric first aid training covers a range of topics including recognising and responding to common medical emergencies, managing injuries, and understanding paediatric CPR protocols.

CPR for Infants and Children

Learn the essential CPR techniques specific to infants and children, including chest compressions, rescue breathing, and the use of AED devices.

Choking Relief Techniques

Discover effective techniques to relieve choking in infants and children, including back blows and chest thrusts, to provide immediate assistance in critical situations.


The course is a 2 hour baby & toddler awareness first aid classes for just £25 per person. Classes are informative, but most of all interactive and fun so you are more likely to retain and remember knowledge. Our trainers run classes in a variety of public venues. Young babies are welcome so it makes it easier for new parents to attend without having to organise childcare.

Protect Little Lives Today

InfantAidix is dedicated to empowering parents and caregivers with life-saving skills through our specialised paediatric first aid courses. Lets start Protecting Little Lives Today, we strive to ensure the safety and well-being of babies, infants and children in any emergency situation. Join us and be prepared to give the little ones in your life the best chance for preserving life, preventing the condition from getting worse, and promote recovery.


Get in touch with us for more information and to book a course that could save a child's life.

Locations of classes, select courses at top of page 


Any enquiries please email info@infantaidix.co.uk

or call 07832795394

InfantAidix headquarters is based in Kettering, England, United Kingdom




About us

InfantAidix is a provider of paediatric first aid training in Kettering, England. Our team of experienced instructors is passionate about equipping parents and caregivers with life-saving skills and knowledge. We believe that every adult responsible for a child should have the confidence and ability to provide immediate care in an emergency situation. Our courses are designed to be engaging, informative, and practical, ensuring that participants leave feeling prepared and empowered.